APC Details
Fee Details for Pakistan Journal of Management (PJOM):
- Article Processing Charge (APC):
- Regular Article: 10000
- Review Article: 5000 - Payment Methods:
- Authors will receive payment instructions upon acceptance of their manuscript.
- Payment can be made via bank transfer or online payment portals. - Refund Policy:
- APC refunds will only be provided in cases of manuscript rejection prior to peer review. - Open Access Policy:
- All articles published in PJOM are freely accessible online, ensuring maximum visibility and accessibility for researchers and practitioners. - Additional Information:
- Authors are responsible for covering all expenses associated with manuscript preparation, including language editing and formatting services, if required.
- For inquiries regarding fees or payment procedures, authors may contact the journal's editorial office.
PJOM is committed to promoting equitable access to scholarly publishing while ensuring the sustainability of its operations. We strive to accommodate the diverse financial circumstances of authors and facilitate the dissemination of high-quality research within the management community in Pakistan and beyond.